Ainsley and I have been wanting to get a small dog suitable for a small New York apartment for quite a while now. Ainsley has done most of the research - craigslist, puppy finder, you name it. She found this one online, called the owner, got the OK from the landlord and set up a time to meet her near Penn Station.
Here's the scoop:
- Havanese / Yorkie mix
- currently 2.8lbs - will likely grow to 8-10lbs
- was born without her right ear flap
- was rescued from a puppy mill where she was destined for a life in a crate birthing litter after litter ... because of her "aesthetic flaw" which we find endearing.
- will be staying with the woman in New Jersey until we come back from our holiday travels
- We haven't named her and won't until we officially get her.
- she will definitely be loosing that pink bow :)
We are open to name suggestions so comment away!
Oh my word!!! She is sooo cute! I feel like she needs a name that starts with an "A" since that seems to run in the family. DO you like people names or object names? Apple - Acorn - Angel - or something like - Petunia or Pickle or named after your street or block....hmmm names are hard. What about Cutie after your favorite band? Isn't that your favorite? Good luck! She is adorable and she will fill your lives with JOY!
I don't think the pink bow is so bad.
How about Dorothy? Didn't she have a bow? (I guess it was a blue bow.)
I think a grandma name would be appropriate. How about Amelia... or Gretchen, or Gladys, or Dolores?
I've read that dog names are supposed to have hard consonants so the dog can hear them well. So all of my options suck.
How about "Aplet"? Representing the Big Apple and Washington State...
I love that my Havanese puppies now have a cousin!! We should get them together to teach them about the Cuban background!! I will be thinking of A names - or something else that seems cute. I named my girls after one of my favorite kids book series - Junie B. Jones. Maybe you have a favorite book character? Or I like the idea of your favorite band - since you are musical people!!
Cute, cute, cute. I think the pink bow can stay... every sweet little girl needs a pink bow from time to time anyway. Enjoy them. Good luck with the names... not my forte' so I won't be offering suggestions!!!
I thought of another one...
Evander or Holyfield...or Vincent (Vinnie) or Vangough (GoGo - GoGie - Van - Oppy - Vanna)
Aunt Merrie suggested "Earless". TO me this is a little harsh but it does state the obvious.
We do all love the bow though! That should stay.
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